
Welcome to the official Galecraft PC server store. This is the place for you to enhance your Galecraft player experience. We offer rank passes, Mystery Box Bundles and network boosters. After purchasing credits, you can access our in-game shop to buy your perks.

Payments are handled and secured by Stripe.

About Galecraft

Galecraft is made with love since 2016, providing you with the old-school gameplay that so many Minecraft servers lack these days.

Thank you for your support! Your contributions help to pay off the costs required to host our servers.

Purchases are non-refundable. Chargebacks will result in a ban from our services. We have all rights to take your rank away without a reason and/or ban you.

Important Notice

The Galecraft server is in no way affiliated with Mojang, AB. Nor should it be considered a company endorsed by Mojang, AB.

Any contributions or purchases made on this store goes to the Galecraft Development Team.

Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2025 Mojang / Notch